White space analysis re-invented

run 50k sales projections in minutes, with unmatched precision

Webinar Summary

Join us October 22nd at 2pm ET as we unveil Site Sonar, our new White space analysis solution. Users can calculate up to 50,000 sales projections in a matter of minutes, with unmatched accuracy. See how brands are leveraging this powerful solution…

Questions we will cover

  • How would my brand perform across new markets?
  • How to prioritize growth?
  • Where is my competition, and how would my brand perform at those competitor locations?
  • How to validate potential acquisition opportunities?
  • How to proactively target franchise development?


  • Date + time: Oct 22nd at 2:00pm ET
  • Duration: 20 mins + Q&A
  • Who’s it for? Multi-unit brands

This webinar has ended

This live webinar has ended, but a recording is available here.

 Shannon Clinton headshot

Shannon Clinton

Chief Revenue Officer 


 Emily Cartafalsa headshot

Emily Cartafalsa

Senior Product Owner 


Site Sonar is a game changer! What used to take months now takes minutes. Brands are analyzing markets in-house, with ease and upmost confidence. It’s so much fun to showcase, I’m really looking forward to the webinar!”

-Shannon Clinton

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