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National UC Realty fine-tunes their site selection-process for urgent care centers by partnering with SiteZeus

National UC Realty (NUCR) is known for having a world class Urgent Care site selection process. They have completed over 350 Urgent Care transactions across 44+ states. With a team of experienced analysts, marketers, and brokers, NUCR understands the importance having the newest and most innovative technology in their arsenal.

General Retailers

Six fundamentals of site-selection for small businesses

Location, location, location. We’ve all heard the age old phrase before when discussing site selection or real estate business decisions. It’s true, it can absolutely correlate with the underlying success or failure of a particular business. Companies large and small struggle with these decisions daily; generally, due to the overwhelming amount of unorganized data.


STONEFIRE Grill cooks up recipe for market expansion strategy

STONEFIRE Grill, California’s family friendly restaurant has partnered with SiteZeus to enrich their Location Intelligence strategy.


Commercial real estate firm Keyser partners with SiteZeus to make sense of the big-data world

Keyser, a commercial real estate firm based out of Phoenix, has partnered with SiteZeus to leverage its leading location intelligence platform. SiteZeus equips Keyser with the tools of a data scientist through a powerful site-selection instrument that immediately enhances clients' site selections.


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