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Customer stories

United Franchise Group strengthens its franchise development with industry-specific solutions

United Franchise Group holds a strong reputation within the franchising industry, spanning several decades. With a global footprint and an unwavering commitment to excellence, UFG has established itself as a key player in the franchising landscape and expanded its portfolio across industries including brands like Signarama, The Great Greek, Office Evolution, and others. UFG provides comprehensive resources and strategic guidance to its franchisees, embracing technology to drive operational efficiency and ensure success in diverse markets.


Revolutionizing site selection with enhanced model transparency for confident expansion

Expanding into new markets presents your brand with the opportunity to reach untapped consumer segments, support growth, and solidify your market presence. However, the journey to expansion is riddled with challenges, especially when it comes to selecting the right locations. The potential downfalls of conventional approaches to site selection can be daunting and leave businesses vulnerable to making the wrong decisions. Knowing what drives success at your existing locations and what is behind a potential site’s sales forecast is crucial. Enter AI and machine learning - revolutionary technologies that are reshaping the landscape of site selection and empowering businesses to make smarter decisions based on data-driven insights.