Location Intelligence

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Prescriptive-Led Growth: A new age of location intelligence

Enjoy this game-changing webinar. SiteZeus Founders Keenan and Hannibal Baldwin cover a radical new approach to location intelligence that puts brands in complete control of growth and optimization. To view this webinar, please tell us a bit about yourself.


Retail in a drone era

When most people think of drones, they might think of unmanned military strikes, or of the toy drones. But the fact is, drones are already used for a number of complex tasks across many different industries. First responders and disaster workers use them to help spot and aid stranded victims. Walmart has applied for over 46 patents involving drone technology. In March of 2018, UPS and Amazon were both reportedly researching ways to make drone delivery a reality, with Amazon securing patents for their Amazon Air Prime service.2 While the logistics still present challenges, it’s clear that the potential for drone capabilities is growing by the day.

Site Selection

How can geosocial data explain performance differences between two stores?

SiteZeus’ platform uses Spatial.ai’s geosocial data to “score” an area for existing behaviors, in addition to providing more detailed sales forecasting.

Site Selection

Can social media predict retail revenue?

How well do you know your customer? Chains and franchise brands are discovering that they may not know their customers nearly as well as they think – which is resulting in costly location mistakes.


What can you do with three free geofenced sites?

SiteZeus is hosting a webinar Feb 19 at 2 p.m. ET to showcase Savvy, its new location intelligence platform for emerging multi-unit brands, brokers, and developers.


SiteZeus pioneers A.I. powered social network segmentation in real estate

We all hear about how A.I. is changing the world of retail real estate, and it’s true, companies like SiteZeus are using machine learning to predict sales revenue blazingly fast and accurate. However, intuition hasn’t lost its place. Real Estate Directors know that sometimes the “vibe” of the location just doesn’t fit the brand.


Building discipline in real estate development and construction

At the 2018 Restaurant Finance & Development Conference in Las Vegas, Keenan Baldwin, SiteZeus’ Co-Founder, sat amongst an experienced panel of four real estate professionals to talk about the restaurant and real estate development.


The ABC’s of A.I. — How it’s transforming commercial real estate, restaurants, and retail

Sci-fi depictions of artificial intelligence are everywhere in Hollywood, from the futuristic fantasies of 2001’s A.I., about a child-robot, and 2014’s Ex-Machina, about a humanoid A.I-enabled robot, to the classic A.I.-is-evil flick, 1984’s Terminator. With these sometimes frightening visions of autonomous machines taking over the world, it’s no wonder that many people find the whole notion of A.I. confusing at best and anxiety-provoking at worst.


Webinar: How to get a free SiteZeus model?

Quickly understand what this unique offering is and if it’s for you. Keenan Baldwin, SiteZeus Co-Founder, and Robert Cherrington, SiteZeus EVP of Sales, walk us through the SiteZeus platform as well as the free proof of concept.

Featured In

SiteZeus is proud to be recognized as Top 10 Tech Startups; Again

This year, SiteZeus had the honor of being recognized as one of the top ten tech start-ups in Tampa Bay by The Tech Tribunefor the second year in a row. We sat down with SiteZeus Co-CEO Hannibal Baldwin to get his thoughts on this recognition, as well as some insights into the challenges and opportunities the company faces as we head into 2019.


Building a real estate toolbox for the emerging brands

Today’s digital society is giving people an expectation for immediate results. People want it now, in real time. The same phenomenon is occurring among emerging brands and franchisors serving daily needs who have been encouraged to sell franchises quickly, in some cases without regard to necessary economies of scale in marketing and other support services. But what cost does that rapid expansion have on profitability and long-term success?


What’s your synergy?

Take a look at this brief preview of the SiteZeus Platform.