Are you looking for day of week and day-parted traffic data?

Hannibal Baldwin, SiteZeus Co-Founder & Co-CEO, presents our third series of “Does data have a seat at your table.” He goes over the newest methods of leveraging INRIX’s cutting edge traffic counts, for over 300 million cell phones, by hour of day.
Unlock the webinar
- Most accurate traffic counts on the planet
- 300 million tracked smart phones
- Day part and direction counts visualized like never before
- Find out the traffic volumes for the time of day that matters to you
- No more wasted time on stone age DOT websites
- Pull traffic counts faster than reading this bullet point
Hannibal is a fifth generation Tampa native and graduate of University of South Florida, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Finance. Upon graduation Hannibal and his brother Keenan formed B3 Ventures, which serves as a private equity & venture capital fund. The fund focuses on emerging restaurant & specialty retail opportunities. During the last 36 months B3 Ventures Fund has led investments totaling $9,600,000 into emerging entrepreneurial businesses in the Southeast.

INRIX Volume provides the first global population movement data and analytics platform to help governments and the private sector incorporate population intelligence in key decision-making, giving users day-parted vehicle count by side-of road. This platform extends the benefits of probe data based traffic into vehicle counts, and industry first, helping answer questions such as “how many vehicles pass this location?”
- Smarter urban infrastructure and road network planning
- Accurate and current Day-parted, side of road data for informed decision making
- Affordable solution to replace traditionally inefficient methods
- Competitive insights for more strategic decision making
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