SiteZeus awarded best innovation in artificial intelligence prize at 2020 Devies Awards

The Devies Awards, the definitive award for the Development Technology Industry, has named SiteZeus the winner of their 2020 prize for Best Innovation in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The award is in recognition of SiteZeus’ groundbreaking achievements in creating an A.I. platform that is able to solve numerous market planning problems faced by the multi-unit brands.

Developer tools and solutions are continuing to grow in their importance to a global technology business’ operations. SiteZeus is a great example of the new era of products and services allowing developers and engineers to have a greater impact on a company’s bottom line,”

said Geoff Domoracki, CEO of DevNetwork, the producer of DeveloperWeek.

SiteZeus helps businesses make confident location-based decisions in groundbreaking ways. The SiteZeus platform uses A.I. to combine clients’ existing performance data with third-party datasets—including customer behavior, traffic patterns, population movement, mobile location data, and much more—to extract actionable insight in real-time. Simply put, the user-driven market planning platform does the heavy lifting so multi-unit brands can easily visualize how various key factors affect their locations.

“We’re thrilled to be recognized by the Devies Awards,” said Andrew Brown, SiteZeus’ Chief Data Scientist.

We believe it is a validation of our unique approach to placing A.I. and Machine Learning tools directly in the hands of the decision makers who need them.”

SiteZeus is proud to receive this award, which showcases the team’s pioneering work in bringing A.I. technology to market planning. With new developments continually underway, SiteZeus looks forward to continuing to lead revolutionary developments in A.I. solutions that help solve real-world challenges for retail brands of all sizes. 

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